Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pot Luck

来到KL这么久,我很少可以吃到家里住的饭,除非是父母来这里。但那一晚,我们就到了Ming Hui家开餐,每人需待一道菜,我呢就和Li Ying准备三道菜。其实最辛苦的就是她,因为我都没帮她炒菜,只是帮她洗菜和吃马铃薯噢… ¼的马铃薯就是我吃的… HohoHoHOhoHo

Li Ying,辛苦你了~~!(是不是很假呢?)哈哈!!

Troy 和Mun Chun在忙着打开食物


大家先来个合照,但那时候我还没到 =.=




黄瓜汤~~Ming Hui杰作

亲爱的Troy所做的potato wedges,但咸了一点

Mun Chun妈妈做的药材鸡

Yum yum ~~ 马铃薯炒肉碎

大家都把食物吃的一干二净…是时候问下人几时要give birth~~ 哈哈!

整理一下,把地上抹干净,之后大家就聚齐一起玩killer… 好开心噢!!

RedBox in Gardens

最近,我才发现到时间真得过得很快,眨眼间,final exam就快到了;星期一就考FQM Quiz 但我还没开始读书。星期三那天,我还跟着Su TengTroySiew PeiAlvinLi YingGardensK。我和Alvin的‘第一次’就不见了因为是第一次跟他们一起去唱K,好开心噢~~!那也是第一次觉得Li Ying是这么的性感,Siew Pei 呢就有点man man的感觉,因为是她们的声音关系~~


大家一起拍照….等等,Alvin 呢?你在哪儿??

Peace ~~


3 + 5,你好重哦!!

之后,没得吃buffet,有点可惜但没关系,我们就去Carl’s Jr吃晚餐

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Curve—庆祝ST生日

The Curve—庆祝ST生日

最近几的星期都很忙,忙着做assignment, lab report和要应付考试,真得很大压力。没关系,男子汉大丈夫,一定要承受这些压力,否这就没有球球。昨晚,我们一大班(5354 gang)就去the Curve吃一餐好料的晚餐,放松心情的去那儿wetwet.其实,我们的目的是要为Su Teng庆祝二十二岁生日哈哈~~ 终于又老了一岁哦~~The Apartment restaurant就是大家晚餐的地点,里面的装潢蛮不错,气氛也不错,还设计了厕所的模型。那儿的食物也蛮不错,只是价钱有点昂贵,但还是可以付得起的。一个来自外国的服务生,长得蛮不错,从头到尾只是服侍我们,讲解哪些招牌食物,但只有小小缺点,就是他所说的话,我们一直都不明白。哈哈~~


Oh no, 我的脸好多豆豆,是时候去做facial

我们的5354 gang的团体照

Yummy ~~




看看这两位sot plak!!

我们临走前在the Curve拍张照片留念~~



5354 Gang ~~!! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009






男人已有了target就不管七三二十一的去追求她?那学业呢? 功课呢?

几个星期, 学业非常的繁忙, 但偶尔都会去游览朋友的blog, 但发现到Mr E真得非常得空地去寻找梦中情人, 写了好浪漫的情书。其实我才发现到当时的他真的不会去追求她,只是默默的为她祈祷,祝她幸福,可能是年龄差距。但现在开始懂得去追求她, 可能是因为现在已老了, 成熟了,所以就..... : p

要说他,成熟又不是,不成熟也不对, 那就可以说他是半成熟咯!就像鸡蛋一样,不熟的鸡蛋是一点不好吃,而太熟的也是不是说很好吃, 但半生熟食最好吃,可以想象蛋黄流出来.. yummy~~

半生熟的鸡蛋 思想半成熟

他的思想半成熟 = 不熟的鸡蛋

每当在球场是看到他的脸,会说Oh no…,因为他一直都在欺负人,男女老少都不放过,都要欺负 !好过分的家伙,一直的杀个不停,偶尔会说:“谁要输的就跟我打吧! ”但被对方打败了,就说xxx借刀杀人,心想:好奇怪的家伙。Haha...

好想好想Mr E 可以成熟一点哦,好期待那一天的到来!!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008



女生(B)就回答说: “我会关一只眼,开一只眼.





一支笔 -- 代表有学问的人

两支笔 -- 代表是教师

三支笔 -- 代表是教授

四支笔 -- 代表是博士

五支笔 -- 代表是卖笔的人

Monday, May 26, 2008

After Victory, Singapore to Reclaim Land All the Way to Pedra Branca

Following the International Court of Justice’s judgment, the Gahmen is looking into the feasibility of reclaiming land all the way from Sentosa to Pedra Branca.

The International Court of Justice ended a long-running dispute between Singapore and Malaysia over three maritime features (or as we normal non-lawyer people say, “piles of rocks in the sea”) last week.

The ICJ ruled that Pedra Branca, the site of the Horsburgh Lighthouse, was owned by Singapore, while a small outcropping named Middle Rocks went to Malaysia, and the last (mostly submerged) feature called South Ledge had to be split, though the Court declined to say exactly how, since both Singapore and Malaysia neh ask them to do it.

“The important thing is we got back the big prize, which is Pedra Branca,” said Ministry of Law spokesman Chin Ah Heng. “I mean, a win is a win, even though really, when you think about it, hor, we got Pedra Branca not because of any real official ownership transfer, but because Malaysia was si peh slack.”

Now that the ownership of Pedra Branca has been established, Mr. Chin said, Singapore can proceed with its development plans for the football-field sized territory.

“We think the Horsburgh Lighthouse needs a makeover to reflect the changing face of Singapore,” he said. “So we want to make it the Horsburgh Lighthouse cum casi… sorry, sorry, integrated resort. The top floor where the light is can be a nightclub or revolving restaurant.”

To make transport to the Horsburgh IR easy for high rollers, the Ministry of Territorial Development hopes to reclaim a long strip of land, to be developed as an expressway all the way to Pedra Branca. “We hope to connect Sentosa and Marina to Pedra Branca, just like the way the little islets of Florida Keys are joined by a highway in the US,” said Mr. Chin. “To help finance the construction of this expressway, we will be establishing ERP gantries along its entire way.”

Malaysia has reacted, unsurprisingly, with alarm at this prospect, and not to be outdone, has said they too want to connect Middle Rocks with the nearest spot on their mainland, which is Tanjong Penyusop, also known as Point Romania.

“The Malaysians can do whatever they want with their territory,” said Mr. Chin. “But they cannot have a straight connection from Point Romania to Middle Rocks, because it would cross our territorial waters. So they’d have to go around Pedra Branca. But they should be okay with that. Malaysians seem to like the idea of building curvy bridges to nowhere.”

Both countries maintain that they are willing to negotiate but Malaysia has said they might not agree to submit disputes to the ICJ again.

“Halamak,” said Malaysian Deputy Vice Foreign Minister Datuk Mohd Rugi bin Pulau. “This form of Western adjudication is biased against us. We should choose a form of dispute resolution that is more advantageous to Malaysia. Like a penalty shoot out.”

Meanwhile in Singapore, there have been small rumblings of opposition to the proposed highway to Pedra Brance, from an unlikely source: the Singapore Police Force.

“Our manpower resources are already strapped,” said Deputy Assistant Superintendent Boh Lang Leow. “We really don’t need an additional 13 sq. km of territory for us to search for Mat Alamak.”